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Suzanne has worked with my 13 year old son for 6 months now. We started biofield tuning due to his
anxiety, stress and lack of confidence. At first we had sessions once a month. However, within three months
of starting, my son stopped me one day and said he had felt confident at school and happy all day. He did not know why, and I explained the biofield sessions were working on grounding him. He then started to say when could he have a session again, at which point Suzanne started working on him fortnightly.
After each session we get a recording [a summary] and found the sessions were intune with how he was feeling. For example, one week, he was very angry at someone and upset, and this came out in his session, and with the shift of energy, he came out of this state quickly and calmly.
The changes we are seeing are that he is more confident and [we see he] is starting to feel like he has some self-worth. 
Kamini Patel 
Written after session #6. January 2023
Tuning sessions facilitated remotely.

An update - December 2023 - He is doing amazingly. We had a meeting with school and some old teachers said he is unrecognisable in his mood and his social group at school. To us he seems more confident and wants to be independent.


I've  had the pleasure of experiencing several healing sessions with Suzanne and each session has an
intelligent continuation of the prior session. I really don’t have words enough to put to the profound
experiences  I've had during my sessions. Suzanne's delivery is very soft and gentle but extremely active and
always with a lot of energy in motion. I’ve had  an incredible experience of spiritual growth and
a great tool of faith development. I always have an immense sense of peace after her sessions and feeling
very focused on moving forward in life.
For me her sessions have been like going to heaven for a little while. I found my sessions insightful and gave me the confidence to heal myself and others. ‘

The remarkable thing is that this was all done distantly. 

Deepest gratitude Suzanne. Looking forward to my next session.
Cara Mattias

January 2023


At first I was hesitant towards having a tuning session and wondered what it would be like and what the
outcome could be. After having only a few sessions of tuning I felt more connected to earth and experienced a dramatic change of static energy. Before tuning I had static to a point where I would get electric shocks from people objects and even felt as though I was charging myself as I walked around.
After tuning sessions I noticed that my static shocks and charged feelings were subsiding and the tuning was
making a real difference. I am a strong believer in trying new things and I am certainly glad that I tried this. It has helped me physically, mentally and spiritually. Suzanne is great at what she does and very professional. Happy healing to anyone who tries it.
Claire – Bradford

March 2023



Dear Suzanne
Thank you so very much for the tuning session on Thursday.  Your gentle, caring, smiling approach was just
delightful.  And I am sure you understand, probably better that I do, how truly momentous the occasion was
for me.  

Imagine, the freedom to commit to engaging in life, participating, contributing at last, rather than my default of being forever in-waiting yet somehow feeling entitled to be provided for?  Imagine.  The effects will unfold in Divine timing, and with more of your help, no doubt.  
However, one instant response to the session came from my wife's amazement at the visible transformation
in my energy field. 
With deep love, appreciation and gratitude, Duncan

April 2023



Hello Suzanne, I just wanted to give you some feed back and thanks for my Biofield Tuning sessions.

Before the sessions I was almost prone to getting "stuck in a rut" emotionally I would get very down,have trouble sleeping, suffer physically from stress and be extremely drained very easily. I'd found over the years patterns of feeling the fog come down and I would often fear change of any kind. I'm also always cold.

During the sessions I had wonderful sensations from feeling warm to noticing energy shifts to memories from very early on randomly coming up for acknowledgment.

After the sessions I found a new kind of calm, a lightness almost to my personality. I sleep wonderfully now which after having years of sleep problems that was a huge huge bonus! i seem to have a new confidence for developing myself further and I finally feel that I deserve to allow myself to blossom. Mentally, the demons that used to keep me awake all night arent any longer and the fog has lifted. My spirit is calmed and balanced which I haven't experienced before in my life. The last huge improvement is my body temperature has risen, I am no longer shivering when its 23° I am warm and i am feeling the energy flowing freely around me.

I thoroughly loved both my Biofield tuning sessions and I am blown away by the improvements to my life they have made. You of course are such a wonderful therapist and your calm collected and warm personality shines through in the amazing healing work you do.

Thankyou again xxxx Jordanna




Sol Luckman in his illuminating book: - Potentiate your DNA says “The root is our bioenergy blue print in the sound domain where and only where disease causing distortions can be restored permanently to harmony”.


The Tuning Forks (sound) which Suzanne uses certainly released a lot of subconscious and physical issues arising from a difficult birth and childhood illnesses and I now feel “in Harmony” and am able to breathe more easily amongst other benefits.


The emotional release was very strong after a “distance” session which totally dispelled my earlier scepticism as Suzanne and I were obviously able to communicate with each other via the aether.

You will never know the benefits to your life unless you experience the Tuning Forks for yourself – but do be prepared to take a number of sessions to obtain good results as I did.   

John Ellis. Yorkshire.




"I just wanted to get in touch to thank you again for your tuning the other week, and to let you know that I really feel it has made a profound difference for me. I feel suffused with calm, and a huge, soothing space has opened up within me that wasn't there before. I used to suffer from anxiety and I had a sweat problem too, which caused a great deal of distress and difficulty for me. I'm pleased to say that even though I've had a very stressful couple of weeks, I've felt nothing but calm and OK with myself, and not one bead of sweat. I've always worried how I was coming across and what people were thinking of me, but I notice I haven't been feeling like that since the tuning; I'm finding I can just be myself without worrying too much about it, which is a massive relief in so many ways. I really feel that something fundamental happened within that treatment. Thank you so so much."




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