Soul Tuning
Soul Tuning's are based on the mechanics of Biofield Tuning however they differ in that they are working to connect a person more into their essence on a spiritual level. They are working on grounding the Soul/Spirit more into the body, than they may currently be, This paradoxically allows for a more grounded life experience.
A Soul Tuning can also incorporates Language of Light transmissions. These are usually in the form of opening the tuning session and the client's energy field with a Light Language transmission; this is channeled by me specifically for the client at the time of the tuning. Light language may also be spoken or sung during the tuning session to assist the energy to flow more easily. Following the tuning session, I email a voice recording of Light Langauge, bespoke for each client, to listen to regularly at home to support any healing that is taking place.
Benefits of Soul Tuning:-
Increased alignment with Source and your own innate knowing;
An opening to the flow of life and trust in self,
Greater connection with Higher Self, Soul group and Soul Akash.
Allowing and opening to the energetic connection between the body, the Earth, the Heavens and Spirit.
Being more present and grounded in the body, strengthening core 'Presence'.
Engaging with the concept that we are a Soul/Spirit experiencing physical life on Earth and recognising our Spiritual connections.
Light Language assists in the energetic 'opening up' to the session and enhances the integration process.
What is the Language of Light?
Light language is a channelled transmission made up of Sounds, Light, Sacred Geometry and Universal Wisdom in the form of multidimensional tones and dialects; it is understood by all life.
It is channelled information from Spirit of the highest light which bypasses the mental mind and is understood directly by the Soul. It is a reference point enabling a person to notice more often when they may not be in alignment with their highest potential within their Soul's path.
Light language enables you to remain more heart centred allowing your consciousness to shift to a more coherent vibration in any given moment, in a more effortless way.
Soul Tunings are conducted either in-person or as distance sessions.
Soul Tuning session approx 60 mins and includes a bespoke language of light recording for post session listening: £90.
Call me on 07811 243313 or email to book your session