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Calling in the Soul to BE more 'present', through Biofield Tuning, Soul Tuning, Angelic Reiki, Meditation and Light Language ~ bringing more awareness and coherence to our whole being ~ allowing deep healing to occur.

Hello and welcome ~ 


Many of us find ourselves in emotional overload from time to time and it can take great effort to keep our 'heads above water'. Centering ourselves and harmonising our emotional core can enable us to navigate life in a more calm, coherent and loving way. We know that dis-ease results where energy flow is restricted. Aligning with our Soul can beautifully enable our energy to flow more freely allowing us to be more 'present' day to day. Daily meditation is an essential practice; a way of providing ourselves with space for rejuvenation through awareness and acceptance of life as it really is. The more we align with flow and disentangle from the layers of chaos within our energy field and around us, the more our Soul essence can shine through.


What matters is how quickly we respond to our soul's voice  ~  Rumi


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Telephone Suzanne ~ 07811243313

                   Halifax, UK

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